
PODO10 Podological probe

Catalogue index: kop000036

  • Availability: In stock ( 42 pcs )
  • Delivery: from PLN18.00 (Inpost Courier)
PLN58.00 gross / pcs


podological probe PP-10/1 PODO 10

  • made of stainless steel used for the production of surgical tools,
  • two working parts,
  • anatomically comfortable shape,
  • solid monolithic structure,
  • grooved tool handle for a secure grip.

The PODO 10 podological probe is used by podologists when applying tamponade and cleaning the nail folds. Thin, curved working parts are ideal for removing dead epithelial cells from under the free edge of the nail, and also between the nail and the cuticle.




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EU countries ex. Poland : from PLN50.00
Inpost Courier : from PLN18.00