
Desderman Pure Gel 500ml

Catalogue index: myc000035

  • Availability: Moderate ( 15 pcs )
  • Delivery: from PLN18.00 (Inpost Courier)
PLN25.00 gross / pcs


Alcoholic preparationfor hygienic and surgical hand disinfectionin the form of an easy-to-dosage gel.

Properties and applications:

  • contains added moisturizing and oiling substances,
  • the widest spectrum of activity on the market,
  • extended effect up to 4 hours,
  • pH neutral for the skin,
  • dries quickly, leaves a pleasant scent
  • thanks to the addition of hydrogen peroxide, it is autosterile,
  • biobial product
  • hygienic disinfection: 30 sec.
  • surgical disinfection: 3 min.

Wide selection of packaging compatible with various dispensers.

Composition: contains 3 active substances and hydrogen peroxide without ammonium compounds and chlorhexidine derivatives. Spectrum of action: B, (MRSA, Tbc), F, V (Polio, Adeno, Noro, Rota , Vaccinia, Hepres simplex, HIV, HAV, HBV, HCV)

Capacity: 500 ml pump included

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EU countries ex. Poland : from PLN50.00
Inpost Courier : from PLN18.00