
Sterilization bag 60x100 Sterim

Catalogue index: ste000043

  • Availability: In stock ( 28 pcs )
  • Delivery: from PLN18.00 (Inpost Courier)
PLN21.00 gross / pcs



Self-sealing paper and foil bags allow for safe sterilization and storage
medical materials of various sizes and purposes. The paper weight is
60-70 g/m2, and the foil surface is made of a new 6-layer composite
polyester and polypropylene, thickness: 52&m;m. Indicators
are printed on the factory weld line chemical sterilization STEAM, EO, FORM and technical information in Polish. Wide
The range of sizes allows the product to be used in beauty and podiatry salons.


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EU countries ex. Poland : from PLN50.00
Inpost Courier : from PLN18.00