
Diagonal tweezers TBC-30/3 (T4-12-02)

Catalogue index: Pęs000017

  • Availability: Moderate ( 11 pcs )
  • Delivery: from PLN18.00 (Inpost Courier)
PLN26.90 gross / pcs


TBC-30/3 tweezers

  • made of stainless steel, used for the production of surgical tools,
  • wide and beveled edges,
  • does not become dull or rust,
  • suitable for correcting wide, thick eyebrows
  • hand-sharpened working edges,
  • suitable for repeated sterilization in an autoclave,
  • the polished outer side of the working surfaces reduces the risk of skin damage and possible redness after the treatment.

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EU countries ex. Poland : from PLN50.00
Inpost Courier : from PLN18.00