
ABC-20/3 Wooden grater

Catalogue index: Tar000025

  • Availability: Moderate ( 18 pcs )
  • Delivery: from PLN18.00 (Inpost Courier)
PLN22.90 gross / pcs


The BEAUTY CARE 20 3 (100/180) wooden table grater is a practical and easy-to-use tool for home table skin careThe ergonomically shaped handle is made of light and moisture-resistant alder, the beautiful colorful coating is not afraid of moisture and is resistant to chips.Double-sided working part with abrasive surfaces of different hardness (grit 100 i 180) is convenient to use and allows for both preliminary and final sanding of problematic areas.

Among the advantages of the BEAUTY&CARE 20 3 model:

  • Fashionable, bright and durable design;
  • compact size;
  • high quality abrasive;
  • versatility;
  • elongated working part.

Wooden grater ABC 20/3 BEAUTY&CARE 20 3 (100/180) helps fight such common and unpleasant cosmetic problems as calluses, corns, cracks on heels. 

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EU countries ex. Poland : from PLN50.00
Inpost Courier : from PLN18.00